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According to the scripture, America is headed for physical destruction....

Friday, February 25, 2011

Yahshua's Parables: The Wedding Feast

Many People Will Celebrate His Feast....
As we have previously learned, from Studying The Scriptures, a very large [or disproportionate] percentage of the Ancient Israelites physically settled in America - after The Dispersion - when Yahweh scattered their "Genetic Seed" over The Entire Earth. [Note: Read the article, entitled: "God's Plan For The 'Spiritual Seed' Of Israel."] Which only makes complete sense, because those: With A Genetic Propensity Towards Their Own Personal Spiritual Development, and A Conviction Toward Their Own Individual Consciences would naturally gravitate - over a prolonged period of time - in direct proportion to those nations which allow The Greatest Political Freedom To Actually Practice Their Consciences. And we can see This Ongoing Spiritual Dynamic, on continual display, throughout our human history!

Which Nations have always benefited the most through Human Immigration... and Which Nations have continually fueled their ever increasing Economic Hedgmonies by doing so? The Free-est Nations, religiously speaking, have always been The Commonwealth Nations of: England, The United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.... And the chiefest among them, has always historically been, The United States of America - "The Good [Spiritual] Soil" as alluded to, so frequently, in The God-given Scriptures!

Considering These Facts, let's now examine, "The Parable Of The Wedding Feast" - as given by Yahshua:
  • "The Kingdom Of Heaven is like a certain King [Yahweh] who had arranged a marriage [A Special Covenanted Relationship] for His Son [Yahshua, The Messiah], and sent out His servants [the prophets] to call those who were invited to the wedding [to gather them to The Nation of Israel for The Second Coming of Yahshua]; and they were not willing to come [they considered The Message to be mere foolishness or even potentially dangerous]."
  • "Again He sent out other servants [still more prophets], saying, 'Tell those who are invited, See, I have prepared my dinner table [Israel has been restored]; My oxen and fatted cattle are killed [I have provided for you the physical and geographical  beachhead for this Restored And Yet New Kingdom], and all things are ready [you have nothing at all to fear in coming]. Come to the wedding [it is time to consummate Your Spiritual Vows]."
  • "But they made light of it [they mocked and ridiculed His messengers the prophets] and went their ways [and completely ignored them], one to his own farm [continuing on in their labors], another to his business [or heaping up for themselves still even more useless money]."
  • "And the rest [and still others] seized His servants [imprisoned the prophets], treated them spitefully [showed them scorn and contempt], and killed them [pretty self-explanatory]."
  • "But when The King [Yahweh] heard about it [saw this greatly wicked thing done upon the earth], He was furious [He determined that their own stored up judgment should befall them]. And He sent out His armies [He unleashed the nations who shall always do His bidding as required], destroyed those murderers [totally uprooted and treaded down their civilization], and burned up their city [leaving no nation, at all, to ever once again live in]."
  • "Then He said to His servants [the prophets], 'The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. Therefore go into the highways [give this message to the rest of the earth], and as many as you find [and whoever will listen to The Message], invite to the wedding [beg them to come before Me as My special guests].'"
  • "So those servants [His prophets] went out into the highways [spoke This God-Given Message to the rest of the earth] and gathered together [all in the one geographic place of Israel] all whom they found [everyone who listened to their words and honestly considered them of significant and spiritual value], both bad and good [those less spiritually worthy, and those truly shined - over the course of their lifetimes]. And the wedding hall [that little Nation Of Israel] was filled with guests [there were many openly invited people for Yahshua's Physical Return]."
  • "But when The King [Yahweh] came in to see the guests [looked around at His vineyard],  He saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment [He noticed that some of them didn't properly belong at this wedding feast]."
  • "So He said to him, 'Friend, how did you come here without a wedding garment [Why have you come Not Spiritually Prepared To Enter My Kingdom]? And he [the spiritual trespasser] was speechless [was without a truthful and proper answer to the question and his conscience afflicted him]."
  • "Then The King [Yahweh] said to the servants [they who have been chosen to guard the borders of His vineyard, or Judah], 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness [physically remove such as these from the boundaries of My Nation Israel]; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth [they shall beg and plead that they shouldn't be removed from The Holy Congregation awaiting Yahshua's Return].'"
  • "For many are called [Yahweh wants everyone to come unto Him and His Son], but few are chosen [but under His Spiritual Terms and not their own]." - Mathew 22:2-14.

"The Wedding Feast" is a time of joyous celebration.
Brothers and Sisters - within The United States and elsewhere - It Is Time For The Wedding Feast, and The Consummation, which shall immediately follow! Yahweh is sending out His Message for: "The Regathering Of Spiritual Israel." Although I may be: Mocked, Jeered, or [even] Ridiculed For Expressing It; I have a sacred duty to do that, which My Father and Creator has bid me to most earnestly do... and I can [honestly] do no other But To Obey that, which He Is Directing Me To Do!

He has shown me many things - Through His Spirit - which are [truthfully] now coming upon us... and I am trying with all earnestness to express them in The Simplest Human Terms conceivably possible! I am, certainly, No Great Writer; and [even] arguably A Very Poor Scriptural Theologian. But, I am speaking The Truth that I have [honestly] been given; in Painstakingly Accurate Detail - out of my personal respect and deepest reverence for Him who values both: Truth, and Love, Above All Else!

May you Understand These Things in The Spirit, for which, They Have Been Given....


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