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Many People Will Celebrate His Feast.... |
Which Nations have always benefited the most through Human Immigration... and Which Nations have continually fueled their ever increasing Economic Hedgmonies by doing so? The Free-est Nations, religiously speaking, have always been The Commonwealth Nations of: England, The United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.... And the chiefest among them, has always historically been, The United States of America - "The Good [Spiritual] Soil" as alluded to, so frequently, in The God-given Scriptures!
Considering These Facts, let's now examine, "The Parable Of The Wedding Feast" - as given by Yahshua:
- "The Kingdom Of Heaven is like a certain King [Yahweh] who had arranged a marriage [A Special Covenanted Relationship] for His Son [Yahshua, The Messiah], and sent out His servants [the prophets] to call those who were invited to the wedding [to gather them to The Nation of Israel for The Second Coming of Yahshua]; and they were not willing to come [they considered The Message to be mere foolishness or even potentially dangerous]."
- "Again He sent out other servants [still more prophets], saying, 'Tell those who are invited, See, I have prepared my dinner table [Israel has been restored]; My oxen and fatted cattle are killed [I have provided for you the physical and geographical beachhead for this Restored And Yet New Kingdom], and all things are ready [you have nothing at all to fear in coming]. Come to the wedding [it is time to consummate Your Spiritual Vows]."
- "But they made light of it [they mocked and ridiculed His messengers the prophets] and went their ways [and completely ignored them], one to his own farm [continuing on in their labors], another to his business [or heaping up for themselves still even more useless money]."
- "And the rest [and still others] seized His servants [imprisoned the prophets], treated them spitefully [showed them scorn and contempt], and killed them [pretty self-explanatory]."
- "But when The King [Yahweh] heard about it [saw this greatly wicked thing done upon the earth], He was furious [He determined that their own stored up judgment should befall them]. And He sent out His armies [He unleashed the nations who shall always do His bidding as required], destroyed those murderers [totally uprooted and treaded down their civilization], and burned up their city [leaving no nation, at all, to ever once again live in]."
- "Then He said to His servants [the prophets], 'The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. Therefore go into the highways [give this message to the rest of the earth], and as many as you find [and whoever will listen to The Message], invite to the wedding [beg them to come before Me as My special guests].'"
- "So those servants [His prophets] went out into the highways [spoke This God-Given Message to the rest of the earth] and gathered together [all in the one geographic place of Israel] all whom they found [everyone who listened to their words and honestly considered them of significant and spiritual value], both bad and good [those less spiritually worthy, and those truly shined - over the course of their lifetimes]. And the wedding hall [that little Nation Of Israel] was filled with guests [there were many openly invited people for Yahshua's Physical Return]."
- "But when The King [Yahweh] came in to see the guests [looked around at His vineyard], He saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment [He noticed that some of them didn't properly belong at this wedding feast]."
- "So He said to him, 'Friend, how did you come here without a wedding garment [Why have you come Not Spiritually Prepared To Enter My Kingdom]? And he [the spiritual trespasser] was speechless [was without a truthful and proper answer to the question and his conscience afflicted him]."
- "Then The King [Yahweh] said to the servants [they who have been chosen to guard the borders of His vineyard, or Judah], 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness [physically remove such as these from the boundaries of My Nation Israel]; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth [they shall beg and plead that they shouldn't be removed from The Holy Congregation awaiting Yahshua's Return].'"
- "For many are called [Yahweh wants everyone to come unto Him and His Son], but few are chosen [but under His Spiritual Terms and not their own]." - Mathew 22:2-14.
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"The Wedding Feast" is a time of joyous celebration. |
He has shown me many things - Through His Spirit - which are [truthfully] now coming upon us... and I am trying with all earnestness to express them in The Simplest Human Terms conceivably possible! I am, certainly, No Great Writer; and [even] arguably A Very Poor Scriptural Theologian. But, I am speaking The Truth that I have [honestly] been given; in Painstakingly Accurate Detail - out of my personal respect and deepest reverence for Him who values both: Truth, and Love, Above All Else!
May you Understand These Things in The Spirit, for which, They Have Been Given....
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